Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Journal 8

           The first aphorism, “We all boil at different degrees,” talks about Emerson’s feeling that everyone can tolerate different amounts before they show it. Some people can take lots of pressure or prejudice before they show signs of their anger and lash out where everyone else can handle all different levels and it can discuss knowing that just because you can handle something then someone else may not be able to.

            The second aphorism, “There are always two parties; the establishment and the movement,” this means that on every debate there are people who talk about doing things, and then there are those people who will act on what they feel and are willing to do something about this. I believe very strongly in this because it can be seen throughout our society in people who are thinkers and those who are doers.

            The last aphorism is “All of life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.” This means that in life, anything you do has a risk and you can learn something from all of it. The more things you try and learn from, the better off you are because you have more wisdom for the future so it is always better to try instead of not trying.

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